Our learning during the week commencing 27th June…
This week we have recapped the following digraphs:
Archer the Star who makes an ‘ar’ sound. The action for this is holding your hands in the arms and opening and closing your hands as if you were a star.
Gordon the Horse makes an ‘or’ sound. The action for this is cupping your hands and lifting them up and down alternatively, as if you were a horse walking.
Kurt the Turtle makes an ‘ur’ sound. The action for this is putting one hand on top of the other and moving your thumbs round like legs.
Merlin the Gerbil makes an ‘er’ sound. The action for this is running your hand under your nose. This ‘er’ sound is longer and can be found in germ, herb and kerb.
Ryder the Spider makes an ‘er’ sound too but is a shorter sound than the one above, and can be found in words such as dinner, river and summer.
We have also recapped the common exception word ‘are’ and have been putting this into sentences.
This week we have been following and making maps and mazes, whilst using positional and directional language. These words have included first, then, next, finally, next to, under, between, up, down, around. As part of this, we worked in teams to design our own obstacle courses for our friends to complete. We had to think about the order of our equipment, how we would travel and the spacing between the equipment in order to be successful. Here are two of our designs.
On Monday we found that Evil Pea had tied up the fruit and vegetables and put them into graters, as well as leaving a trail of peas behind. We have written our own ‘wanted’ posters to put up around the school in order to explain to others what he looks like. We had to think about how to clearly describe him so that he can be easily identified, as well as making sure that our sentences were clear so that others could read them. We tried really hard to remember our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Here are two examples in case you spot him as home!
This week, P.E will be on Wednesday afternoon rather than Tuesday so that we can practise Sports Day with Ash Class, in order to work in larger teams.
Have a great weekend!